Saturday, August 7, 2010

It's a ....

...GIRL!   So those of you who follow us on Facebook (that's almost 400 of you) or Twitter (a whopping 730!!) you may have already heard the news.  Things have been very hectic the past few months because I found out that I am expecting!!  Yes!  We are having a baby girl in January 2011.  I am soooo excited!  This is our first child.  My husband and I have been married for almost 5 years and decided that this was the year to start planning our family.  We just had no idea it was going to all happen so fast! So, my newest inspiration for CR is my growing tummy and the little one inside.  I hope you will share with me all your advice and support over the coming months as I continue on this path toward motherhood.  Now, the donuts....I am really trying to eat really well for the baby but I am CONSTANTLY hungry!  And I can't get enough carbs!  These lovelies are from the Doughnut Plant in the Lower East Side.  I have not had any since I got pregnant but I can't stop thinking about them!  I think I see a trip to the LES in my near future......yum.