Saturday, August 7, 2010

It's a ....

...GIRL!   So those of you who follow us on Facebook (that's almost 400 of you) or Twitter (a whopping 730!!) you may have already heard the news.  Things have been very hectic the past few months because I found out that I am expecting!!  Yes!  We are having a baby girl in January 2011.  I am soooo excited!  This is our first child.  My husband and I have been married for almost 5 years and decided that this was the year to start planning our family.  We just had no idea it was going to all happen so fast! So, my newest inspiration for CR is my growing tummy and the little one inside.  I hope you will share with me all your advice and support over the coming months as I continue on this path toward motherhood.  Now, the donuts....I am really trying to eat really well for the baby but I am CONSTANTLY hungry!  And I can't get enough carbs!  These lovelies are from the Doughnut Plant in the Lower East Side.  I have not had any since I got pregnant but I can't stop thinking about them!  I think I see a trip to the LES in my near future......yum.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Its the first day of May (and supposed to be 87 degrees in NYC).  I love this time of the year!  And I am so excited for May because my sister-in-law is due this month with their first child!!  We will be heading to Oklahoma City for Memorial day weekend to see our brother and sister with their new little one.  I have been thinking a lot about having kids these days.  Lots of my friends are working on their second (or third!).  We have not yet made the big leap into parenthood and although people say you are never really ready....I almost feel like I AM and WE are.  I know my hubs is going to be a fantastic Dad. We talk about our future kids and have a short list of names already.   I pick things for the shop that are things I would buy and use and wear and things that I imagine my future kids wearing and using.  I don't know when we will be blessed with a little one of our own but I do know that we are blessed with our newest niece and I can't wait to meet her!!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Montreal in Springtime (as close to April in Paris as I am going to get this year...)

What can I say?  I can't start every blog posting with "I've been a bad blogger...".  But what I CAN say is that March was the BEST MONTH yet for Clementine Rose!  (Which may explain my tardy blog entry.)  So with the shop, my day job and lots of travel the past few weeks, things have been well... hectic.  But hectic in a good way!  I love it.  I am writing this entry from a room at the St Paul hotel in Montreal.  We have a big trip planned for later this year (SA - World Cup 2010) so, no April in Paris.  But, Montreal this weekend is even better!!  The weather is gorgeous and we are with friends and family who have come to town to meet us.  Ahhhh.....

Back to business - I have to share some exciting news with you, my CRBloggers!  I have found an AMAZING photographer to collaborate with.  Gina Maxine is super talented and very, very sweet.  She found our shop and after we had one conversation, I knew I had to work with her!   We did our first shoot last week with a couple of my favorite pieces. (SHirin bird frame dress & GoGentlyBaby polo shirt) I am already planning a full-fledged lookbook for the fall lines and  I can't wait!  I love the idea of mixing and matching the lines we carry to offer some inspiration for some very adorable outfits.   She has a real talent for capturing these moments!  :-)  I am working on adding a lookbook section to the site but in the mean time, keep an eye on her site for more.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Get the Scoop & Tweeps I Adore

I have been a bad blogger....I can't believe that January February is almost over already!  I have been busy getting things ready for a refresh to the home page and all the new spring stock that is arriving soon. I can't complain - I have absolutely loved every minute of this journey so far.  To catch you up, our very first newsletter, [Get the Scoop...] went out on January 27th.  I hope you are on the list but just in case you missed it, you can get the scoop here

The other thing keeping me busy is Twitter.   I have been twittering like a mad woman.  I've found some amazing new brands to carry and some all round amazing tweeps.  If you are on twitter, here are some of my favorite tweeps for you to check out: @FutureMama, @Modern_Bird, @TheFancyLamb.  AND...I am so trilled about these new lines I have discovered for clementine rose, coming soon:  @Lillybeefortiny, @barleyandbirch, and @duckduckgreen.  Take a look and let me know what you think!  Do you have a twitter peep that you think I should be following?  Tweet me  @clementinerose