Monday, November 30, 2009

On Twitter with a new compact mini-logo

Until this weekend, I didn't know what all the fuss was about with this Twitter business!  Since it was a long weekend and I was FINALLY home with no big plans, I decided to spend some time to try to figure it out.  I am now, a converted believer!  It is a very cool tool once you find some people or groups to follow.  I am proud to say that as of the time I am writing this, I am following 150+ and I have  45 followers of my own.  That being said, I think there is always the risk of spammers who are just trying to up their twitter accounts but I did find that there are ways to protect your account from that but either restricting access or requiring validation.  Plus there are all these really cool mom bloggers and social media savvy women out there that are dedicated users!  It makes it very worthwhile.  While I still love my main logo, I found that the size did not work for display as a twitter pic - I also have the same issue on facebook.  So, taking some inspiration from one of my fav brands (BR or Banana Republic), I have added a new, mini-logo to use both on and offline.  I have already found a cool mom-blogger to partner form something coming soon so stay tuned!   In the meantime, see you on twitter!!!  :-) cr on twitter

Thursday, November 26, 2009

I am back...Blog Press and Thanksgiving Wishes

It has been a long time since my last blog post.  That is a bit of an indication of how hectic life has been lately.  So, on this Thanksgiving weekend, I am back at it since there is just so much to be Thankful for!  Family and friends and this new venture.  I have so many things that I want to do and I am so grateful that I am able to make it happen!  The site continues to generate steady traffic and our facebook group continues to grow.  There is just so much more in store!  I had some good blog press recently which was very exciting.  Jennifer Garner was spotted with a PaciSitter that is available on our site.  Check it out - the site links to CR where you can pick up the same one!!  :-)  I am very hopeful for the future and happy with the forward movement.  The women I have grown to know through Ladies Who Launch, continue to amaze and inspire me.  I looking forward to a wonderful holiday and I wish you the same!